I think my favorite thing about shooting with Emma is her constant smile and easy-going nature. I actually met Emma a long time ago back when her and my daughter attended the same grade school. It’s been like that this year because this is the graduating year of my daughter and all her friends. Kids were separated after redistricting the Marvin Ridge cluster. Some kids went to Cuthbertson and others to Weddington. However, this area of Union County is small enough that you are likely to run into each other from time to time at Stonecrest or Waverly or at your senior photo shoot!
Back to beautiful Emma, she was pretty much set with outfits when she arrived so we were able to get right to the fun stuff. We started at 4:30 pm as the light in the park behind the studio disappears early because of the tree coverage. The weather was tinkering on the brink of non-cooperation, like it often does in the evening of the summer months. (That’s why I always have clients pick two dates for their sessions).
Towards the end there was still some daylight to take advantage of and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to invite them for a few more shots at the Roots Farm Sunflower field in Waxhaw. The flowers don’t bloom that long, weekends are crazy there, packed with cars slowing on Providence Road catching a glimpse of all the activity. So being a weekday and about to rain it seemed like a great time. Haha. We arrived at 6:15 pm and there was no one else there except the generously kind property owner who monitors the traffic, parking and gate when he’s available. We got exactly three minutes of pictures in before we had to call it. In moments the rain came. Luckily my clients had brought a perfectly adorable black and white umbrella. We furiously shot a few pictures with the umbrella before we heard the clap of thunder and saw the lightning. We immediately aborted the mission, and high-tailed it to our cars! It was memorable for sure and I thank Emma and her mom for being totally awesome and spontaneous!

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