Each year high school juniors from the entire Charlotte-Mecklenburg region are invited to apply for NBP’s senior model team. There is no experience necessary and we look for girls, and guys, from a variety of different backgrounds and schools. Being on the team is just a fun way to be involved with new people, do fun individual and group themed photoshoots and get a discount on your custom senior portraits!
This year we have girls representing NBP from Marvin Ridge High School, Ardrey Kell High School, Weddington High School, Myers Park High School, Charlotte Latin, and Covenant Classical School.
These are images from our very first team group photo shoot meet and greet. The theme to this shoot was Patriotic, so naturally I asked everyone to attend wearing red, white and blue. I like this theme because our meet and greet is held in early summer so it’s perfect to for posting for Fourth of July. It’s also safe to assume that most high-schoolers have red, white and blue clothing.
One thing I did to make this shoot a little more interesting is that I rented the truck. I simply put a post on my neighborhood next door website asking if I could rent or borrow someones old convertible or truck for this purpose. I had lots of responses and this truck was perfect for my vision.

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