In my last post, I detailed the pros and cons of having a model team represent your high school senior or teen photography business. Becoming a senior model rep is a great way to get your high school senior pictures. My senior model reps are amazing! As always there a few who step up to the challenge like no others. In this case, Brook is her name and style is her game. She comes to every session fully motivated, prepped, and styled. It doesn’t hurt that she works at a local fashion boutique. I literally do nothing except provide the location and press the shutter! She is a photographers dream. She reaches out to me for portraits often, again leaving me with one less thing to think about or be in charge of. She has like a billion Instagram followers and she always posts photos from our sessions and gives me tons of props, encouraging all her friends to book with me.
But most of all, she is as smart, stylish, sweet, and sassy as she is beautiful. I feel fortunate to have her on my team and in my life. I know she will be going on to do great things, but I will definitely miss her next year. This is an open invitation for her to come back and shoot with me whenever she is back in Charlotte!
We’ve had several great shoots together that I have yet to post, but here is our most recent one.

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