Hey all! Today’s session features Sophie, a Waxhaw high school senior who, I have to say, I feel so grateful to have been able to have been able to work with. Sophie is a smart and beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina native destined for great things. She plans to go into the medical field and wishes to devote herself to helping and working with children. She and her mom are absolute sweethearts. Upon meeting Sophie at our pre-shoot consultation, I gathered she is a fairly confident young woman who also had a good idea of what she wanted for her session. She really wanted to showcase a fun, edgy and serious side of herself so multiple locations was a must along with multiple outfits. Her older sister had some of her senior portraits taken at a laundromat so we decided to do some for Sophie as well. We all just loved how they turned out. It’s the perfect practice for a girl heading off to college who will be hanging out in the dorm laundry room waiting for her laundry!
The day of her shoot Alison, my pro make-up artist went to her house to do her make-up as her house was on the way to our shoot location so that just made the most sense. We chose her first outfit and headed to our first location. Then we had an outfit change and walked to a few more spots within that location. Finally, she changed into her last outfit and we drove to her third outfit in hopes to catch the sunset in the field. Sadly, it was a little to cloudy for that but we were still able to get some gorgeous shots in her blue dress and her grandmother’s vintage luggage. Sophie did a perfect job of picking three versatile outfits for her shoot. She had everything pressed, hung, and ready with coordinating jewelry.
Sophie and her mom purchased my Gold Package Session which includes a pre-session consultation, professional make-up, two hours of photography, up to three outfits, two locations and twenty digital files. After the session, she picked her favorites from a proof gallery and then came to my office to view her final images and pick her products and select images for her album. In my next post I’ll be showing all the products she ordered from her premier ordering session, so stay tuned for that!

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